Monday, April 12, 2010

Ayu's New album Rock and Roll Circus Review

THE introduction 5/10 - sounds like Evil boss is coming! lols. Doesn't suit ayumi's image.

Microphone 10/10 - The song I liked best! Organ + rock great combi for a dynamic contrast!

count down 6/10 - this song is a means for her voice out her left ear trouble that borthers her everyday of her life. I feel the heaviness in her voice but the tune is not that nice to listen to.

Sunset ~LOVE is ALL~ 8/10 - I like this better than the sunrise. The tune is much suited for slow tempo.

BALLAD 10/10 - this song made me cry in the chorus. Liked it so much that I made a recording in my blog There is a tough part to sing this at the 3.07 mark of the song where the "ite" needs to go down a semitone before doing a crying technique.

Last Links 6/10 - this song at first impacted me because it started with audio coming from right side only which symbolises her left ear problem. quite hard to adjust to it when u listen to it, right? The song is a normal song to me.

montage 9/10 - church bell + strings + organ shows orchestra style emotion.

Don't look back 7/10 - the song is very arabic haha... but i dont like it that much.

Jump! 8/10 - sounds very techno to me lols. At the ending there is a show of digital signal processing for surround effect which is linked to my thesis in my University. I liked it.

Lady Dynamite 9/10 - Great song with good mastering effects. The virtual space created is wide and cosy at the same time.

Sexy little things 10/10 -I would agree with everyone that it is the best song! It is already used by my friend to show his project demonstration haha. Realli sexy. The layering is great where the midi tune is "floating" behind the drums. Then the accompaniment instruments are at the far left and right with ayumi voice right at the center. Tempo is right to let ppl wan to dance with the song

Sunrise ~LOVE is ALL~ 5/10 - This fast song shouldn't be put here behind sexy little things cos it will contrast and sound worse than sexy little things. personally also dont like this song that much. cos the instruments clashes together like a mess sounds untidy to me. Ayu's voice also dont stand out well. The mastering is not good at all.

meaning of Love 10/10 - this song made me cry like mad... I disagree with others that it is a bad song. the first phrase already made me cry. the chorus is even more emotional. This song can be used in a drama theme song.

You were... 8/10 - This song shows huge emotion but does not made me cry. its just letting listeners have a place to escape to...

RED LINE ~for TA~ 8/10 - this song encourages me to go on with life and take it easy on things. Nice song to sing along also I realised the drums sounds very live, like Ayu is doing it on stage.


Best Track: Sexy little things
Worst track: Sunrise ~LOVE is ALL~

For me, maybe because I have better than average equipments to listen to songs, I tend to hear more details so that is why my ratings are like this haha. I always seek neatly mastered songs + good tunes.

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