Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year! New Stuff!

New year has come and I have new plans and buy new things!

Bea's UP magazine Jan issue will arrive at Kinokuniya on 4th Jan at 8pm! The cover features none other than... Ayumi Hamasaki

5th Jan is important for me because Ayu's first commercial pendant is being sold on and I must grab it. The sale starts at 1700 SG time and I will camp at home to place an order! too bad I cant wear earrings if not i will grab it too!

Hope the Shure x2u preamplifier will come to the store soon so I can record better quality voice hehe...

Ayumi's new singles has been released and I love all the new songs especially "You were..." which I attempted to sing :)
Ballad which is a theme song in one of a Disney fairy movie sounds very chinese oriental.
Then a song specially written for Team Ayu member's titled Red Line which is a lively light hearted song that brings peace in my mind :)

NTU exam results released on 30th and guessed wat haha this is my best sem for all the four years in NTU. Whew! All are expected except for HRM EE4041 which I got only a C what the hell waste my time man doing all the shit work... I am the class rep somemore... they say have bonus marks for being class rep... but on the good side haha I got Bs for other subjects! I realised that listening to music while studying really helps me a huge load! and to study near exam not too early... haiz too late to realised that now as its my final sem for the next 4 months... Can only work my best to maintain the grades haha... As I said Ayumi is my inspiration! following her ways will make me better!

Just bought another Vivi Magazine Feb issue which has Ayu on the cover! And file of the same size so that I can carry Jap magazines when i go out to read while travelling!

The countdown is so great! I was catching NHK JP live at 6.15pm SG time the " Kōhaku Uta Gassen / 紅白歌合戦 / Red and White Song Battle " haha and Ayumi was the first singing RULE! the show last till 10.00pm SG time

Then I switch to TBS JP at 10.45pm for the CDTV countdown show! EXILE was on the show thoroughout the super long show of 6 hours till 4am! hehe my endurance is good I watched the whole show! Haha... and Ayumi appeared at 1.36pm! She sang You Were... and Rule. Her pink dress is so nice! With a big flower decoration on her hair!

Now waiting for her album to be announced coming this sem! I read somewhere that Japanese CDs are better in quality because they demagnetise the blanks cds before recording the albums hehe thats why I hear a lot of difference from the Singapore album and the Japan one! Japan CDs FTW!

Thats all for now! Ja mata ne!
Happy new year to u! All the best for this year!

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