Saturday, October 3, 2009

Drive for Life ~ 1st blog of my life ~

Wow... after requested to do a blog by my good friend, I finally started this new hobby. haha... hmm wat should I start with...

Well start with the driving force of my life, I love listening and watching Ayumi perform on stage cos she really capture my emotions. She laughs, have fun, cries, frowns and brings these feelings deep in me.

People kept asking me why I love Ayu... I guessed is cos she gives me the drive to live and endure thru all hardships. She is my lucky star too. After I started to go on an Ayu craze, my uni grades starts to improve. My grade is in the warning zone for 1 sem until she arrived in my life.

Luckily now my grades are manageable and I wish to graduate next year. And then I can finally fly to Japan to watch Ayu concerts live!

Ayu was born with a bad left ear. She always had intermittent left ear deafness. When I imagined myself with that, I will feel so frustrated that I want to end my life. Now she is totally deaf in the left making her profession as a singer even harder. This insight of her life push me to live forward even if there are hardships that make me wan to end my life...

Another attraction for her is because she tries to perform in every concerts even of the situation is extremely hard for her to do so. Several times she fractured her leg or arms just the day before the real concert, she continued with the performances. She endured the pain to bring happiness to the audiences which is a remarkable feat that I couldn't have done so even when I am a man.

Thus I am usually attracted to people who can endure tough hardships...

On to the next post...
Ja mata!

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