Sunday, October 18, 2009

Toughest week of my uni life

This past week was the most stressful of my uni life. I had 3 reports and 3 presentations... One of the report and 2 presentations is related to the infamous HRM course of EEE of NTU. Moreover, I am the class IC which makes my job even tougher. The other is a DSP design report on digital filters and the last one is my Applying IT report and presentation. Finally this crazy week is over. Now I can enjoy and relax by looking at my Ayumi collection! Most are imported from Japan :)

Here is my whole collection!

Here is the magazines,photobook and even songbook with piano notes!

Albums! One is even an album in a thumbdrive!

Ship and Musical box that turns...

My Docomo F-01a phone and Ayu phone strap and swarovski logo pasted by myself

Lastly my lucky figurine that is always on my exam desk!

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