Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reuion with old JC friends

Sat night went out with my JC close friends... 3 guys 1 gal

We went to karaoke. what was interesting is that I didnt know my high notes improved from last time we went there which was like 1 year ago haha...

So I started singing male songs like 男人不该让女人留泪, 张学友 and 刘德华. but was disappointed with my pitching. not sure wat was wrong... maybe I listen to too much female songs.

After that my female friend start to sing Ah mei, liang jing ru and FIR songs but she cant reach some high notes. As I practice sometimes at home, I decided to try and help hehe...

To my surprise, I realised that I can sing them easily. And my pitch and tone sounded not like me at all haha... My friends looked at me like I came from another planet... I was so elated for this sudden change that I sang all the female parts for the songs my friends chose.

I guess there is something to do with the new way I hold the mic that I picked up at home. I follow how professional singers hold their mic which is to hold the mic perpendicular to your face instead of the usual slightly pointing downwards. and also the lips close to the mic almost touching it. this way you dont need to sing loudly and also sound better. :) hope this can help you sing better in your next karaoke session...

Now time to practice more...

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