Saturday, October 10, 2009

What a busy but fulfilling week!

This 2 weeks was a busy but fulfilling week until I even forgot about AYU's Birthday....
Haiz... Her birthday was on the 2nd OCT and I only realised it just now.

I bought a new formal shirt for my presentations because my mum says why I always wear the same old shirt for presentation which makes me looks too poor to buy new shirt haha...

So Monday I went to buy the shirt tada! Here it is...

I went to Istean scotts to buy both the shirt and a present(bag charm) for my friend from Agnes b. Then went to Takashimaya to buy her birthday card. haha the card has some Jap phrases which I think is meaningful. As rarely ppl in singapore receive japanese bithday card.

Wednesday was when I suddenly planned to celebrate her birthday although it was on 11th Oct. Cos I was thinking that I wont be able to meet her during weekend as she may not acccept a meetup. So I decided to surprise her after her class on wednesday. As I had time before her class end I went to Jurong Point to buy a self designed cake. This is my first time design a cake using my own hands! I was like errr how to use the coloured "ink" (dunno the right word to use) to decorate... I tested on the tray the shop provided and find that releasing the ink near to the surface of the cake will not make the words wriggle. so using that knowledge I gained I designed the whole cake.

So I started with the words "HAPPY BDAY" in chocolate ink. Then her name in blue ink as she resembles the sky. some stars in pink and yellow. She didnt like flowers so I didn draw flowers. Then a pink heart shape to resemble the care for her.

Then I put in the fruits which was quite a tough job as I must not drop the fruits on the words and decorations. Finally I found the side of the cake very dull and added a bottom wave of chocolate to represent the friendship warmth that will embrace her. And the chinese 4 bithday words as she is very chinese inclined haha...

She came out of the class and I quickly lighted up the candles. As the cake is very small, I placed 2 big candles(twenty) and 1 small candle(five). Then she saw me and I waved to her. She looked surprised why I was standing there. I signalled her to come nearer and she find it strange with a frowning look. I was standing in front of the cake to hide it from her. Then when she is near, I sidestepped and revbealed the cake to her and started singing brithday song. Right after the song she blew the candles without me signalling her to do that. I was like wow haha...

Next I passed her a small box. At first her eyes were those normal eyes happy to receive gifts then her eyes opened up really big when she sees her favourite brand ~ Agnes b.~ She opened the present and saw the bag charm and was quite happy. I know she was expecting something else but I didnt buy that.

Then I passed her the birthday card and a small card attached with the present. Hope she had a great surprise celebration.

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